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Clomid is a synthetic estrogen that is usually prescribed to women who have difficulty conceiving a baby. For men, when using Clomid, the level of test-stimulating hormones increases. Clomid acts directly on the pituitary gland.
This increases the body's natural production of testosterone.
For athletes, this is a very beneficial effect, because at the end of the cycle the level of testosterone in the body exceeds the norm. After the athlete stops taking medication, the testosterone level drops significantly and his natural level must return. As a result, there is a significant loss of muscle mass and volume.
Testosterone levels increase during use. Clomid is effective as an anti-estrogen.
Many athletes experience an overabundance in it at the end of the cycle. High levels of this hormone when combined with low testosterone levels can lead to the development of gynecomastia.
As for side effects, it is considered to be a fairly safe drug. Clomid can be bought by both women and men, there are no contraindications for it. Women use this drug to get a stiffer look before the competition.
At the beginning of the cycle, take 2 tablets of Clomid a day. Then you can go with a dose of one tablet a day.