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Deca 500 (Nandrolone Decanoat) from Dragon Pharma
Deca 500 is a steroid drug.
Deca 500 is the same testosterone that has a weakened anabolic effect and a more androgenic effect.
It can activate repair processes in bone and muscle tissue and increase the absorption of amino acids. All this ensures a fast and stable increase in muscle mass.
The dose is calculated based on the athlete's fitness and weight.
Deca 500 cycle: 7-8 weeks.
Nandrolone Decanate does not adversely affect organs (especially the heart and liver).
Side effects:
Increased blood pressure, acne on the body, increased sweating.
To get rid of side effects may be by using drugs such as Clomid and Proviron. To enhance the effect of Nandrolone Decanoate, it is recommended to use it in combination with Dianabol, Testosterone (or Dianoxyl and Danabol).
One injection per week will be sufficient to ensure regulated exposure to the drug.
Deca 500 cycle time: 6-8 weeks. Injections should be given once a week.
Maximum dose: 600 mg.
Recommended: 200-400 mg.
By increasing the dose, you risk side effects.