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Trenbolone 200 from Dragon Pharma
Trenbolone 200 Injectable Anabolic Steroids contains Trenbolone Enanthate which is derived from 19-cloud Testosterone.
Trenbolone 200 is used to build muscle mass and make muscle parts stronger because the ester length of this steroid is quite long.
The drug helps to achieve a tough physique and is an ideal choice for competitive athletes.
Trenbolone 200 is an anabolic steroid with enanthate ester that has an effect five times greater than that of testosterone and has no side effects such as water retention, gynecomastia.
Trenbolone 200 increases IGF-1 levels and interacts strongly with muscle growth receptors preventing glucocorticoid hormones.
Trenbolone 200 is stacked with the addition of more powerful compounds such as Testosterone or Dianabol or non-flavoring anabolics such as Primobolan or Winstrol.
After the end of the Trenbolone cycle, the use of HCG and/or Nolvadex / Clomid is recommended.
The average dose for men: 200-600 mg/week.
Side effects: oily skin, hair loss, testicular atrophy, enlarged prostate, and acne on various parts of the body.
Women should avoid it because of the strong effects of virilization, or in very small doses.