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About addiction to sugar and withdrawal

Is sugar the new cocaine? Is sugar the same addiction as drugs? Does your sugar destroy your life? Let's see what this is about!

Sugar makes you addicted to it, as dangerous as cocaine! And the more sugar you eat, the more fat you become, sick and eventually dead! Sounds bad! Very bad! And you come across such statements in many places! But how true is it?

Each dessert you eat pushes you a little on the slope of diseases and dysfunctions and makes it even more difficult for you to go back to a healthy and vital life?

Can you develop a sugar addiction just like you can become physically addicted to alcohol, cocaine, or heroin? So bad that you have withdrawal symptoms if you stop eating sugar?

The short answer is this: the addictive properties of sugar are greatly exaggerated by many mainstream health and diet groups and by certain "gurus" in the field!

Yes, sugar is tasty and creates pleasure, and many believe that they are addicted to it, but as you will see below, it is not a real medical condition! Much of the withdrawal symptoms are exaggerated too!

In fact, the absence of the actual withdrawal symptoms, as in the case of high-risk drugs, is one of the signs that sugar does NOT have the same effects on the brain as the drugs!

What is sugar withdrawal?

Withdrawal symptoms are defined as negative physical and mental reactions that occur when you stop using an addictive substance.

To understand how this all happens, let's look at a substance that gives addiction very easily, and with which sugar has started to be compared, cocaine!

Cocaine affects the brain's ability to regulate a chemical called dopamine, which creates a euphoric state.

As the euphoria begins to pass, the chemical balance of the brain remains disrupted, which makes you feel exhausted, anxious, and still wanting a dose! As you use the drug, the body becomes more resistant to its effects, and the chemical imbalances in the brain get bigger and longer!

This means that you have to take increasing doses to experience the same effects, which increases your tolerance and aggravates your brain imbalances even worse.

Eventually, you need the drug to feel normal, and if you get to this point you will do anything to feed your addiction!

This cycle of addiction is the symbol of all the substances that create addiction, and when you try to leave yourself at once, physical and mental suffering - withdrawal symptoms - which include anxiety, agitation, muscle pain, insomnia, sweating, extreme fatigue, cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

Dependence and withdrawal have a certain spectrum. Some drugs, such as nicotine, create a high dependency but have relatively low withdrawal symptoms compared to something like heroin. Other drugs, such as MDMA, do not create too much dependence but can create strong side effects similar to withdrawal symptoms.

But as a general rule, the more a substance creates, the greater the chances of causing withdrawal symptoms.

This is how things work with dangerous drugs, such as cocaine. But what about sugar? Can he make chaos in your brain just like a high-risk drug?

When talking about sugar withdrawal, refers to a series of symptoms that appear when you stop consuming sugar, including extreme fatigue, blurred thinking, migraines, dizziness, and sometimes even nausea, cold sweats, and tremors! At least that's what some say is that if you give up sugar! But what about objective evidence?

Are withdrawal symptoms caused by sugar real?

Some believe that the withdrawal symptoms of sugar are real because they have the impression that sugar addiction is as real as alcoholism or smoking!

I crave sugar, struggle to refrain from eating it, and there is some evidence that it stimulates your brain in a similar way to some drugs.

If this does not seem to be a dangerous substance, which creates addiction ... There is only a small problem!

Yes, sugar increases dopamine levels, but to the same extent as many other things that are not medically classified as addictive, such as:

driving a fast car.
listening to good music.
quality sex.
green tea.
most of the activities you like.
Whatever you enjoy, whether it's food or activity, temporarily changes your brain chemistry, including dopamine levels. And heavy drugs do that, of course, but in a much stronger and more aggressive way!

In the case of sugar, research shows that sugar does NOT have the following properties of addictive substances:

No sugar tolerance is created.
You don't have to eat more and more to have the same pleasant effects.
Do not suffer physically and mentally if you stop consuming it.
Scientifically speaking, to abstain from sugar is the same thing as abstaining from anything else you enjoy. It can create some discomfort and is not pleasant, but you cannot compare this with the physical and mental symptoms caused by the substances that create really heavy addictions!

If sugar addiction is not really as many believe, then withdrawal symptoms caused by sugar are also a fantasy! Wanting to eat a donut is not a symptom of withdrawal. It's just a wish!

That's how we get to the heart of the problem: personal responsibility!

Some people feel they have to do the victims. Prefer to blame someone or something instead of facing their own weaknesses and the consequences of their actions. I tell them that they are not weak, but dependent. It's not their fault! A pathetic way to live your life! Through anything you go through in life when you get to be held responsible for your own actions, everything is lost! Only by pulling yourself to account can you reach the limelight!

Does a low sugar diet result in less pleasure induced by sugar? Of course! Can a poor sugar diet be harder to follow? Of course! But if you can't do it, don't look for a scapegoat! Is your fault! Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're the kind of person who can't even control what he eats!

If you think "I don't understand", you are wrong. I like sugar as much as anyone (maybe even more). But I also like to have discipline and control over how much sugar I eat! It's another kind of satisfaction, just as powerful!

If you already feel frustrated, you hate me, and want to punch with everything I wrote, stay a bit! You may have the impression that they say that sugar is just like any other food; I am aware of the effects it can have on some people. Sugar can create symptoms that seem too addictive, and moving from eating too much sugar day to day makes you feel more miserable than giving up on other foods!

And I do not deny that giving up sugar completely makes some people feel very bad. What I do not support is the use of terms like "addiction" and "withdrawal" as an excuse to forget about personal responsibility!

If giving up sugar is hard for you, nothing will improve unless you take the responsibility yourself. It does not mean that it will be easy or that it should be easy. The secret to success in combating any addiction is to find no excuses or reasons for failure, such as "sugar addiction" or "sugar withdrawal."


Too many people eat too much sugar, and it is hard for them to stop. This led to the idea that sugar creates addiction, like drugs, and that the reason why it is so hard to give up is that it causes withdrawal symptoms.

You say that these are the perfect excuse for many to absolve themselves of guilt and continue to indulge in "dietary sins."

Research shows that although sugar causes pleasure, it does not have the same impact on physiology as real drugs!

Comparing sugar with cocaine is like comparing creatine with steroids. They are in the same universe, but separated by thousands of light-years!
