How to inject steroids - Prepare

When considering the first steroid cycle, the correct injection technique is usually the last thing people know about. They will have thought about their purpose and researched various medicines, stacking, and cycles, but only after they have a range of vials, needles, and syringes in front of them will they actually think about how to get the substances out of the bottles and into their body. . . For many people, this is the point where self-injection becomes worrisome, and in many cases, individuals become so worried, give up the plan altogether, or opt for oral-only cycles: and in both cases, they are very short.
Go to any message board, and at some point, you'll find people asking you how to inject steroids. Often, some ways are considered ridiculous, but it stands out - how to inject intravenous steroids. Here I have to be very, very clear: do not inject anabolic steroids intravenously because it is dangerous. Anabolic steroids are meant to be injected directly into muscle tissue, however, some steroids can also be injected subcutaneously, which means in the upper layer of fat just under the skin.
When injecting steroids, the first thing you need to know is how to prepare for the injection and there are more than you might think at first. There are eight specific steps to follow when injecting, and while this may sound complicated, the whole process shouldn't take more than a minute. However, failure to follow these remarkably simple steps can lead to complications, such as infections or simply very uncomfortable injections, or a painful, unnecessary injection site.
1: Choosing a needle
There are needle sizes available and you need the right one to do the right thing. Large needles are not necessary, but not too small, as the oil will barely pass. The most commonly used is a 23 g-25 g needle and a length of 1 inch will suffice, although 1.5 inches is also available. Some people think that de needles are enough, but they are only suitable if they are injected in an area with very low body fat. Regardless of the size of the needle you choose, you will always attach a new sterile needle each time you inject it.
2: Extraction of air
Although vacuuming and emptying the air into the syringe is not essential, it does make the process easier. Before aspirating any liquid into the syringe, the first step is to draw in at least one amount of air equal to or greater than the amount of liquid you intend to extract. Attracting a little more than necessary is absolutely good and can make the process even easier.
3: Drain the air
Then you need to remove the air that you have drawn into the syringe by inserting the needle into the oil (the steroids you use) and pushing all the air in. Then leave the syringe in the liquid and move on to the next step.
4: Draw the oil
Now all you have to do is pull the piston back and forth until you get the desired amount of fluid. It is preferable to pull a small amount more than necessary, as you may lose something when you go to step 5. Many people prefer to use a "pull needle" for this purpose, which means using a needle. larger to draw liquid and a smaller one to inject. In this case, you will use a 20 g-21 g needle to draw the oil into the syringe, as it is much lighter and faster. If you choose this application, you will follow steps 2 and 3 with the firing needle. After step 4, then replace the firing needle with the injection needle you chose in step 1.
5: Remove air bubbles
Now that the oil is in the syringe, gently push the plunger down while tapping the side of the syringe with your finger to remove air bubbles. this will cause a little oil to come out of the needle, but that's why you extracted this little extra. At this time, make sure that there is the correct amount of fluid in the syringe.
6: Disinfection
Determine which muscles you will inject and the specific location. Use an alcohol swab to disinfect the area.
7: Put the needle and aspirate
Once the area is disinfected, insert the needle into the muscle, but do not inject it yet. When the needle is firmly in place, gently pull the syringe back; this is what is known as Aspiration. When you aspirate, if the blood fills the syringe it means that you have hit a vein or a blood vessel and you should remove the needle and choose a new location. Injection into a vein or blood vessel means you may fall prey to what is known as the "cough train." Trenbolone is the most notorious anabolic steroid to cause this, but it can even happen with Testosterone. Tren Cough means that some of the steroids enter the lungs and cause a violent cough that can be quite frightening and painful. Your mouth will taste like metal, and some say they really hurt their teeth. Don't let the Cough Train scare you; if you aspire and follow our recommendations, you will be fine.
8: If you followed steps 1-7 and no blood entered the syringe during step 7, you are ready to inject your steroids. Simply push the plunger down until the entire syringe is empty.
Although you now know how to inject steroids, you need to know what to do immediately after the injection and what is also an essential part of the procedure that many, unfortunately, ignore. This simple three-step process only takes a moment and will make the whole process easier.
Step 1:
Although all the oil has been injected, do not remove the needle. Leave it in place for about 20-30 seconds to make sure all the oil has settled deep into the muscles. If you skip this step, there is a decent chance of it leaking out of the oil or, worse, sitting under the skin, which can lead to a sterile abscess and is extremely painful.
Step 2:
Now you are ready to remove the needle. As you do, place a fresh, clean cotton ball directly over the injected area. Applying a little pressure, hold the cotton ball in place for about 20-30 seconds. There's a decent chance there's a little blood on the cotton ball (that's why you're doing this), but that's not a cause for concern.
Step 3:
After removing the cotton, massage the area firmly for a few seconds to ensure that all the oil is deeply dispersed in the muscles. You're done now.