Danabol 10mg 25tabs
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Danabol 10 is the trade name for the synthetic steroid released by Balkan Pharmaceuticals.
Dana 10mg is intended for oral administration and this product is in the form of a 10 mg tablet. Each Danabol 10mg tablet contains 10 mg of the hormone Methandrostenolone / Methandienone and can be used by both men and women.
The drug has a strong anabolic and androgenic action.
Danabol has a fast effect on muscle growth, increased appetite, and strengthens the bone structure. It is one of the most widely used drugs among athletes.
Berth 10 increases glycogen resistance and retention.
In cycles, Danabol is usually taken with testoxyl enanthate and nandroxyl. The water retention process can be avoided by taking Proviron and Nolvadex.
Recommended dose for men: 15-35 mg / day.
Women should use it in several small doses or avoid it.
Danabol cycle - about 8-10 weeks.
Common side effects:
Liver damage if given in large doses
Acne vulgaris on the neck, chest, back, or shoulders in cases where the function of the sebaceous glands is stimulated, hair loss, nausea, headache, or insomnia.
Women should avoid using it to take advantage of the strong virilizing effect.
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