Finasteride 5mg 20tabs
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Finasteride is a compound class 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, it metabolizes potent androgen testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. It is a drug that reduces the concentration of dihydrotestosterone shattering androgenic side effects. The medicine is used to treat an enlarged prostate, later indicated in the treatment of baldness.
This medicine does not impact hormones in the body, not androgen or anti-androgen, estrogen or antiestrogen, not adversely affect cortisol, cholesterol, or thyroid hormones. Just doesn’t diminish testosterone levels. Very rarely has been encountered as a side effect of decreased sex drive, the problem disappears when it stops the administration.
Finasteride is very popular among athletes who use anabolic steroids, as it causes the reduction of dihydrotestosterone. Since dihydrotestosterone is responsible for androgenic side effects, the component that forms in some tissues causes oily skin, acne, hair growth on the body and face. In the human body there are 2 types of enzyme reductase, finasteride works more on those that cause hair loss, but diminishes dihydrotestosterone, reducing other side effects. Finasteride is used in case of necessity and dihydrotestosterone levels should be checked because a low level can cause sexual dysfunction.
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