Nandrolona D - Decandrol
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Decandrol is an injectable anabolic steroid that contains nandrolone decanoate in medicine and is used in the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
The drug provides high muscle gains and helps prevent joint pain.
Decandrol from Balkan Pharmaceuticals has a longer-lasting anabolic activity and a lower androgenic effect compared to other testosterone.
Decandrol helps to increase muscle volume, as it promotes protein biosynthesis and affects water retention.
Decandrol is frequently stacked with Sustanon, Dianabol, and various Testosterone for mass gain effect. And Nolvadex and Proviron as anti-estrogens.
The average dose for men is 200-600 mg/week.
The average dose for women - is 50-100 mg/week.
A normal Decandrol cycle ranges from 8 to 12 weeks.
Side effects: high blood pressure, blood clotting, headaches, and sexual overstimulation.
Athletes should use a lower dose to avoid masculinizing effects.
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