SP Supertren
SP Supertren
1 vial (200mg/ml 10 ml)
SP Super Tren from SP Laboratories / Product name: Trenbolone Mix ,Tren Mix, Super Trenbolone, SuperTren.more
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SP Super Tren from SP Laboratories.
Active substance: trenbolone acetate, trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
SP Supertren is a mixture of 2 very popular trenbolone esters: trenbolone acetate and hexahydrobenzyl carbonate (Parabolan).
It is a very popular amount of bodybuilders who are in the cutting and force phases.
Positive functions of trenbolone acetate:
Increases the number of red blood cells - improves muscle endurance and recovery.
No fluid retention while gaining muscle mass.
It does not convert to estrogen - no estrogen side effects.
Provides lean muscle mass.
Short-acting ester.
Positive functions of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonateate:
Nitrogen retention increases in muscle tissue.
Improves protein synthesis.
Increases the number of red blood cells - improves muscle endurance and recovery.
Inhibition of glucocorticoids (stress hormone) - decreases the effect of muscle loss and fat gain.
Directly promotes lipolysis - directly improves fat loss.
Trenbolone acetate side effects:
Oily skin
Increased growth of facial / body hair
Accelerated scalp hair loss
Negative effect on cholesterol levels
Side effect:
Accelerated hair loss and hair growth on the body
High blood pressure and cholesterol levels
SP Supertren administration:
Recommended dose for men: 300-900mg / week or 100-300 EOD.
Duration: 8-14 / week.
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