Sustanon Bodypharm
Sustanon Bodypharm
1 vial (270mg/ml 10 ml)
Sustanon from BodyPharm /
Acetate - 20 mg.
Propionate - 30 mg.
Phenylpropionate - 60 mg.
Isocaproate - 60 mg.
Decanoate - 100 mg.more
5+ | 10+ |
$47.00 | $45.00 |
More informations
BodyPharm Sustanon is an injectable anabolic steroid that contains five different types of testosterone esters:
Crops that use it have a gain in muscle size, as well as increased libido and sexual appetite.
Athletes using Sustanon may experience strong muscle growth, lower water retention, and less flavor than other types of testosterone.
BodyPharm Sustanon is popular with athletes for losing body fat. The half-life of this compound is 2-3 weeks.
Sustanon should be injected at least once a week.
Recommended dose for men: 540-1250 mg / week.
Recommended dose for women: 50 - 100 mg / week.
The average duration of a cycle is from 8-20 weeks.
Sustanon can be stacked with the anti-estrogen Proviron, Anastrozole, or Tamoximed.
It can also be combined with hormones such as Trenbolone, Stanozolol, and Methandienone to maintain added muscle gains.
Sustanon's side effects are decreased libido, increased blood pressure because it retains water in the body, increased prostate size and difficulty urinating.
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