Tren MIX Bodypharm
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Tren Mix BodyPharm - 10 ml Trenbolone Blend
It is a powerful compound, it can accumulate muscle mass in a short time.
It is a perfect medicine to be used in cutting cycles and in preparing for competitions. Promotes nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in muscles and increased blood cell growth. Due to the protein synthesis effects, Tren Mix can be added to various diets to make the food you eat turn into muscle and not fat.
The active duration of this drug is 5-7 days.
The most common dose of Tren Mix is 275 and 700 mg/week.
Although it is quite strong when used alone, it is usually combined with non-aromatizing anabolics: Primobol or Stanozolol during the cutting phase and with anabolics such as Equipoise, Deca-Durabolin, Testosterone, or Methandienone to gain great muscle mass.
After the cycle you need to take HCG or Clomid, Nolvadex to recover.
The main side effects of Tren Mix are oily skin, aggressive behavior, and high water retention, as well as acne on the lower arm, upper arm, shoulder, chest, back, and face.
The compound is not recommended for women because of its strong virilizing effects.
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