Trenbolon 100 Bodypharm
Buy Trenbolon 100 Bodypharm online

Trenbolon 100 Bodypharm

1 vial (100mg/ml 10 ml)
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Trenbolone 100 from BodyPharm / Trenbolone Acetatemore


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Trenbolone 100 - BodyPharm - Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone 100 is an injectable anabolic steroid that contains trenbolone acetate, it is a very strong androgen capable of producing a very strong anabolic activity.
It is a good mass generator and perfect for increasing strength is considered by athletes as this perfect medicine in cutting cycles.
Increases nitrogen retention in the muscles as well as the number of red blood cells.
Improves the rate of recovery and regeneration of the human body and increases the rate of naturally occurring IGF-1, which affects every cell in the body.
Trenbolone 100 burns fat effectively.
The active life is 3-4 days.
The recommended dose for men of Trenbolone 100 varies from 35-100 mg/day.
It is a risky use for women due to its strong androgenic effects. During a cutting phase, it can be stacked with a non-flavoring anabolic, such as Primobolan Depot or Stanozolol, to make the effect of multiplying a volume effect, more powerful compounds such as Testosterone or Methandienone can be used.
After stopping steroid therapy, products such as HCG, Nolvadex, or Clomid are required. Side effects of Trenbolone 100 are aggressive behaviors, oily skin, acne on various spots on the body, and hair loss.
This medicine is not recommended for women.


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